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10 Essential Tips for Detoxing
As the New Year approaches, it's the perfect time to rejuvenate and detoxify your body. Here are some tips to kickstart your resolutions. 1. Morning Elixir: Start your day with a cup of hot filtered...
Iodine and your thyroid health
Did you know your body needs iodine to make thyroid hormones? Yup. It’s true. Did you also know that your body can’t manufacture iodine on its own? Also, true. A deficiency in iodine can lead to a...
My experience with thyroid imbalance and roadmap for healing.
On June 6th this year I went for my annual checkup. The appointment went great, but I knew something was off when my doctor asked me to point my chin down. I had an idea of what she was looking for...
Benefits of a good night’s sleep
In the hustle and bustle of daily living, don't overlook the power of a good night's sleep. No matter what your age, your body's hormonal balance depends on it. Make it a priority to aim for 7–9...
Why is Self-Care Such a Grind?
We all know, self-care is critical for staying balanced in a totally unbalanced, whacked out world. So why does it seem like way too much work? There’s lots of science that explains this, and I even...
Whatever happened to R&R?
When I was growing up, the term R&R was used a lot. It may have meant different things to different people, but the message was mainly the same. Rest and relaxation.Rest and recreation.Rest and...
When mind over matter backfires
I grew up hearing the saying, mind over matter. It’s a truism I believe in. If we set our minds to something and take action, we usually get the results we’re looking for. That’s a good thing. But...
Nighttime Anxiety: How to manage anxiety for better sleep.
Are you someone who experiences anxiety at night? This is a common occurrence. You might have mild symptoms during the day, but it isn't until you’re lying in bed and trying to settle down that you...
Morning Anxiety: What to do when you wake up in a panic.
People with anxiety often share similar symptoms and familiar triggers, but it’s not the same for any two people. While many have worse anxiety at night, others may wake up with the symptoms. Either...