Let's Start With You, Finding Your Way Back To Wellness Program
In just 30 days, we’ll dive into various areas of your life that may be causing an imbalance in your health and happiness
Do any of these sound familiar?…
- I want to feel better, but I always lose my motivation, and I don’t know why.
- I want to be healthier, but I don’t have time to go to the gym or do a lot of meal prepping.
- I want to feel more present in my life, but I don’t know how to balance all of my priorities to make it feel manageable.
Who’s this program for?
- Someone who feels unbalanced in their life and is ready to make a change.
- The yo-yo dieter that bounces from diet to diet, never finding what works for them
- Someone who’s ready to try a different approach, where we get to the root of some issues that are holding you back.
You’ve probably been taught that improving your health takes an abundance of intense workouts, eating copious amounts of kale for days on end, and making choices that make you miserable — and this leaves you stuck right where you are.
I get it. It’s hard to feel excited about being pushed to your breaking point, and that’s precisely why so many don’t even start.
There’s so much more to your health journey than food, and focusing on the foundation before perfecting the food choices will give you a secure infrastructure to thrive on.
Making healthier decisions doesn’t have to be boring, hard, or time-consuming. And they don’t have to be entirely food-focused.
Your Journey To Finding Your Health and Wellness Will Include..

Two 30-Minute One-on-one

Weekly Zoom check-ins

Weekly Participation Raffle
Week 1: Release & Replace
This week we’ll work on releasing what isn’t serving you and replacing these unhelpful habits with nourishing once
Week 2: Grounding Practices & Foods
This week we’ll learn about what foods naturally ground you and grounding practices that can help you feel clear-headed and present in your daily life.
Week 3: Gentleness & Rejuvenation.
This week we’ll learn the importance of self-care and how you can easily incorporate it into your life regularly to feel rejuvenated and satisfied.
Week 4: A Well-Balanced Life.
Before we finish our month together, we’ll look at each area of your life and see where you’re feeling unbalanced or unhappy. Then, we’ll craft a plan of action to help you balance those areas of your life moving forward.
Kathleen Ogar has been an incredible, positive Influence on my husband and my life! We have now developed through her help and support Life-Long Healthy Habits, that Will Stay with the both of us forever!!! We Highly Recommend Kathleen Ogar. Thank You So Much for Everything!!!

Before I forget, let me introduce myself…
I’m on a journey of self-discovery. After a health crisis in my twenties, I was introduced to holistic therapies and, as they say, the rest is history. It made me curious about holistic healing and living a natural lifestyle. I’ve studied with some amazing teachers like Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Sarah Gottfried, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Judy Masters, Dr. Louis Ramos, Dr. Stewart Hite, Dr. Luc DeSchepper, and Joshua Rosenthal. My goal is to share this knowledge and empower others to live an inspired life.
Let Me Answer Your Questions Here
How can a group program help me achieve my goals?
One of the most common reasons new habits don’t stick is a lack of accountability. Accountability has a significant effect on attaining your goals. You’re 65% more likely to reach your goals when you share them with someone else and 95% more likely when you share them with a group and meet regularly to review them. In a group program, you’ll have other members to connect with who are as invested in your success as they are in their own. You’ll have other motivated, like-minded women cheering you on as you do the same. In essence, you have a greater chance of success when you participate in a group program than you will if you do it on your own.
Why is the program 30 days?
Building new habits take time and repetition. It involves multiple steps like making the decision to change, initiating the new behavior, and repeating it until it becomes a habit. A 30-day challenge can be just what you need to get started on the goals you’ve been thinking about but haven’t put into action. Daily check-ins build momentum and offer the necessary support needed to achieve your new goals. Taking a challenge with supportive friends adds an additional level of support. Many people find online challenges provide a little friendly competition to help propel them forward.
What if I don't have time?
There’s no denying life gets busy. But what if a lot of that busyness is due to lost time? Let’s take a look at a few ways you can reclaim your time so you can do something motivating and meaningful for yourself.
SOCIAL MEDIA: The average person spends 706 hours per year on social media. That’s 14-hours a week or 2 hours a day of your precious time spent mindlessly scrolling through targeted ads and other people’s business.
TELEVISION: Over 1450 hours binge-watching tv shows per year. That’s 28 hours a week or 4 hours each and every day.
If you’d be willing to give 30-60 minutes a day to this program, you could check in to the group (5-10 minutes), post in the group (5-10 minutes), and apply the new habit you’re learning about (20-30 minutes). If you weigh the benefits you’ll receive against what you have right now, I’m confident you’ll see that it will be time well spent. Ask yourself, what will you do with your one wild and precious life? ~Mary Oliver
What if I miss a few days?
When you’re trying to shift from one way of living to another, there are bound to be days when it’s just not happening. Taking one step forward and two steps back is part of the process when you’re creating new habits. The most important things you can do are start again, don’t give up, and be gentle with yourself. And don’t forget. You’re not alone. You’ll have a group of women cheering you on and encouraging you to get back on track.