Hope is not a plan

Hope is not a plan

Are you unable to consistently stick to the health and wellness goals you set for yourself? Women often tell me they second-guess the decisions they make for their own well-being. They start one healthy habit and then switch to another. They feel directionless, and...
Benefits of a good night’s sleep

Benefits of a good night’s sleep

In the hustle and bustle of daily living, don’t overlook the power of a good night’s sleep. No matter what your age, your body’s hormonal balance depends on it. Make it a priority to aim for 7–9 hours of good, quality sleep each night. According to...
Ginger Peach Smoothie

Ginger Peach Smoothie

This smoothie is great for when the temperatures start to drop, and you still want your smoothie, but you’re not in the mood for anything cold. After a recent bout of stomach flu, I woke up a few days later and was wondering what I could eat. I knew it had to be...
Finding Joy

Finding Joy

I recently decided to create a journaling program. One reason was I wanted to do more journaling and needed something to get me back on track. The other is even more compelling. Every day I see women who have lost the ability to experience joy in their lives. They?ve...
Red Lentil and Sweet Potato Soup

Red Lentil and Sweet Potato Soup

Cuisine: North American Ingredients:3 Tablespoons avocado or coconut oil1 onion chopped1/2 teaspoon salt2 carrots chopped3 celery ribs chopped2 cloves garlic minced1 Tablespoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoon cardamom1/2 teaspoon coriander6 cups water1 large sweet potato, diced...
Are you responding or reacting?

Are you responding or reacting?

Did you know that only 20 percent of health problems are genetic, and 80 percent are due to lifestyle? Mind-blowing right? If that’s the case, doesn’t it make sense to pay more attention to your lifestyle habits? I hope you nodded your head yes. There are so...