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Natural Eczema Cream

  Natural Eczema Cream Recipe Type: Skin Care Author: Kat Prep time: 13 mins Cook time: 2 mins Total time: 15 mins Eczema can be tough to treat. This do it yourself cream was created by DIY...

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Boston Strong

Usually I'm a health coach, but today I'm just a person mourning a tragedy that's touched everyone I know and many I don't. I love my city and have always been proud to be from the Boston area. ?And...

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Meditate, Not Medicate

Everywhere I go, people are talking about meditating. ?I hear it all the time. "I should be meditating." ?Or, "I'd like to start meditating." So what's stopping us? Mostly I think it's the mystery...

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Self-care Is Not Selfish

The things I love to do the most take time. Whether it's planning a great vacation, reading a good book, making lunch plans with a friend, cooking homemade pasta sauce or planting my garden.? All...

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Let’s Hear It For Lemons!

Most of the foods we eat are very acidic, and too much acid has been linked to health problems. That's because our body actually prefers to be alkaline. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is composed...

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