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Essential Oils … Myth or Medicine?

Not long ago I was a poo-poo-er of essential oils. Like most people, I like that they smell good which generally makes me feel happy. But so does a scented candle. Why complicate things when you can...

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My Five Top Breakfast Meals

Growing up I was never much of a breakfast eater. Mostly because I wasn't hungry. To appease my mom, I'd down a Carnation Instant Breakfast and dash out the door. Usually I just skipped the most...

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Chickpea Mash

Chickpea Mash Author: Kat Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 5 mins Total time: 10 mins Serves: 2 High protein breakfast option that tastes good and is easy to prepare. (adapted from Beachbody Ultimate...

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How to Manage Stress Naturally

It's hard to sit through a one-hour television program these days without seeing a commercial for a prescription drug that addresses stress related illnesses like anxiety, depression and even GI...

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15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 13

Day 13 ? To Grain or Not To Grain? UNDERSTANDING WHETHER GRAINS ARE RIGHT FOR YOU Grains and "gluten free" are a hot topic these days. Many of us, myself included, don't always make the connection...

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15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 12

Day 12 ? Keep Momentum Going As we come into the home stretch of our 15-day journey, it's important to start thinking about next steps. Where do you go from here? Leaving it up to chance is a recipe...

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