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Save Money on Grocery Shopping

Did you know that supermarkets hire strategists to figure out how to use every square inch of a grocery store to get the most profit out of it? ?They spend tons of money on trying to figure out how...

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Food as Medicine

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food. ~ Hippocrates Hippocrates lived from 460 BC - 370 BC. He was considered the founder of Western medicine and established medicine as a...

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Healthy, Sexy Foods

For centuries, nutrition has played a vital role in love and lovemaking. A diet based on high quality foods has a great deal to do with the quality of our sex lives.?When we're feeling energized...

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Natural Remedies For Sleep

In a previous post, I mentioned the diseases that result from or are exacerbated by prolonged periods of sleep loss. ?Namely, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even death. ?Short term affects...

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Are You Getting Enough Beauty Sleep?

I love my sleep.? But I also love being awake.? It's a constant balancing act between my yin (sleep) and yang (awake) energy.? I have been blessed, and just as equally cursed, with getting a second...

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Natural Options for Anxiety Support

I was 19 when I had my first anxiety attack. I had no idea what it was. The sense of overwhelming panic was so strong I couldn't breathe. It would swoop down on me unbidden, and there was no...

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Is All Red Meat Bad for You?

On April 16, 1996 Howard Lyman, a former cattle rancher, openly confessed on The Oprah Winfrey Show that he had given up eating meat and become a vegetarian. ?He felt so strongly about the adverse...

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Sweet Suicide

It pains me to talk about sugar like it's some sort of mass murderer, but as the saying goes you have to call a spade a spade. ?Growing up I had a love affair with?sugar. ?So much so that by the age...

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