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Natural Ways to Care for Your Pet

Let's face it - our four legged friends are more like family members than pets to us. ?And when they get sick, it's like taking care of one of our kids. ?Unfortunately, we can't add them to the...

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How To Win The Battle For Balance

My biggest challenge is finding time to do things that I like - dinner out with friends, reading a good book, puttering in my garden. ?I spend lots of time doing things that need to get done - but I...

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Do You Have The Time?

If you're like me, you have a to-do list that's longer than there are hours in a day. ?The harder we try to check things off the list, the more stressed we get. ?And at the end of a long day, week,...

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Sweet Potato Fries

  Baked Sweet Potato Fries Recipe Type: side dish Author: Kat Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 25 mins Total time: 35 mins Serves: 4 Sweet potato fries are a healthy alternative to regular french...

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February is Heart Health Month

On Valentine's Day our thoughts tend to focus on the affairs of the heart ~ flowers, chocolates and hopefully a romantic dinner somewhere special. But don't forget our physical heart deserves just...

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Should You Hire A Health Coach?

You've lived this long without a health coach, so why hire one now? ?That's a good question. First of all, why do we buy anything? ?To make our lives better, happier, easier. ?Think about a washing...

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Squash Apple Soup

Squash Apple Soup Recipe Type: Lunch Author: Kat Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 30 mins Total time: 45 mins Serves: 4 This seasonal favorite is so easy to make and takes no time at all to prepare....

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Healthy Dog Biscuits

    Healthy Dog Biscuits Recipe Type: Snacks Author: Kat Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 40 mins Total time: 55 mins Ingredients 2 eggs 1/2 cup canned pumpkin (make sure you buy 100% pure) 2...

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