Iodine and your thyroid health

Iodine and your thyroid health

Did you know your body needs iodine to make thyroid hormones? Yup. It’s true. Did you also know that your body can’t manufacture iodine on its own? Also, true. A deficiency in iodine can lead to a host of health problems including an enlarged thyroid gland (also known...
Benefits of a good night’s sleep

Benefits of a good night’s sleep

In the hustle and bustle of daily living, don’t overlook the power of a good night’s sleep. No matter what your age, your body’s hormonal balance depends on it. Make it a priority to aim for 7–9 hours of good, quality sleep each night. According to...
Why is Self-Care Such a Grind?

Why is Self-Care Such a Grind?

We all know, self-care is critical for staying balanced in a totally unbalanced, whacked out world. So why does it seem like way too much work? There’s lots of science that explains this, and I even wrote a blog about it back in 2021. (Why Health Habits Fail | want to...
Whatever happened to R&R?

Whatever happened to R&R?

When I was growing up, the term R&R was used a lot. It may have meant different things to different people, but the message was mainly the same. Rest and relaxation.Rest and recreation.Rest and recuperation.Rest and rehabilitation.Rest. We need our rest. It’s not...