Are you the driver or the passenger?

Are you the driver or the passenger?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like my week passes by in a blur of activity. Each day is filled from beginning to end with things to do. When the weekend magically appears, instead of relaxing, I find myself continuing the chaotic pace with stuff...
The hormone that?s stressing you out

The hormone that?s stressing you out

Most women are familiar with estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormones. Estrogen and progesterone are ” feel good” Hormones, and thyroid, has been aptly nicknamed the “pilot” Because it regulates things like weight, energy levels, skin, nail...
Ginger Peach Smoothie

Ginger Peach Smoothie

This smoothie is great for when the temperatures start to drop, and you still want your smoothie, but you’re not in the mood for anything cold. After a recent bout of stomach flu, I woke up a few days later and was wondering what I could eat. I knew it had to be...
Finding Joy

Finding Joy

I recently decided to create a journaling program. One reason was I wanted to do more journaling and needed something to get me back on track. The other is even more compelling. Every day I see women who have lost the ability to experience joy in their lives. They?ve...
A day of eating for hormone health

A day of eating for hormone health

One of the most common reasons women come to see me is for a hormonal health checkup. There are many symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances like cravings, hot flashes, night sweats, irritability or angry outbursts, extra weight especially around the middle and...