Going from good to great

Going from good to great

Want to know what I love about the work I do? I love seeing women who are living a good life spring forward into a great life. The things these ladies are accomplishing in just a few short months are nothing short of amazing. For example, Judi decided she was tired of...
What gets in the way?

What gets in the way?

What?s the biggest challenge you face in making time for yourself? a)????? Feeling guilty b)????? Too many social obligations c)????? Too many family obligations d)????? Too many chores and errands e)????? Something else I?ve had more than one of these challenges at...
Have you tried oil pulling?

Have you tried oil pulling?

Have you heard of oil pulling? It may seem new to the scene of health and wellness, but it’s been around for centuries. It’s an Ayurvedic technique that was used over 5,000 years ago to prevent tooth decay, plaques, and infections, and predates tooth brushing....
Are you a Mary or a Martha?

Are you a Mary or a Martha?

Do you try to figure out and fix every little thing? I know I do. If there’s a problem, I’m on it. If something needs to be done, I’ll do it. If I don’t know how, I’ll figure it out. I want everything to run smoothly and everyone’s life to be happy and filled...
Here’s what women are saying…

Here’s what women are saying…

In two weeks, I’ll be finishing up the L.I.V.E. Protocol program with an amazing group of women. L.I.V.E. is a culmination of everything I’ve learned over the past 25 years, as well as my personal experience trying to achieve optimal health. Love yourself first....