15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 3

Water: Let’s talk about hydration. There’s no real formula for how much water you need to drink on a given day. But current research shows that half your weight in ounces daily is a good goal to shoot for. If that formula sounds high, it’s probably...

15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 2

When it comes to eating, there?s no one-size-fits-all diet. The best guide to know what?s right for you is simple: After eating, check in with how you feel (energized, tired, stomach upset?). Become your own science project, and experiment with what works for you....

15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 1

I’m?so excited that you’ve decided to take?such a huge step towards your health and wellness. How many times have you wanted to change your eating habits but felt overwhelmed by all the information on the internet, TV shows, and the millions of books on...

Why We Should Celebrate Failure

Have you ever really thought about the phrase, “Life’s a journey, not a destination?” The?meaning behind it seems to be: Don’t rush through the experience. Enjoy the process. I agree wholeheartedly.?But I also think there’s more to it...

Are You Accountable?

If you don’t have time to exercise or you don’t like to exercise, you’re in good company. For me personally, I don’t mind exercising. It’s just fitting it in that often?stops me from being consistent. Which is why I use?Beachbody work out...

September is the New January

When I first heard the phrase, “September is the new January,” it really resonated with me because I still have that back-to-school mentality once September rolls around.? I may not be heading to the classroom, but once Labor Day is over, I do want to have...