Do You Suffer From Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Do you have Seasonal Affective Disorder?(SAD)?? In the Northeast, people?who have symptoms of this disorder start to experience it at this time of?year.? As the days grow shorter and?access to natural light becomes limited, a mild to severe depression can set?in.? The...

Tricks to Avoid Halloween Candy Temptations

Halloween unofficially marks the beginning of the holiday feasting? season. And for anyone trying to watch their weight, this can be a real test of? willpower.? Like our shrinking?economy, candy bars have been downsized.??And while these fun-sized morsels may seem...

What is a Wellness Coach?

There?s? a lot of information circulating about Wellness Coaches.?? Have you ever wondered what a Wellness Coach can do for you??? Quite simply, I?m an advocate for you. Just like professional athletes need a coach to keep them on track, set and achieve goals, a...

How Much Protein Do We Need To Be Healthy?

Ever wonder how?much protein you should be eating? Some people may be eating too much while others aren’t getting enough.?Because protein is an?important nutrient that is essential for growth and development, it’s important to figure out?how much?you...

Why I Love Shakeology

Inquiring minds want to know.? I have to admit, I’m surprised by it myself.? When?my friend Denise MacDonald?asked me if I wanted to try Shakeology I said yes, but inside my head I was thinking, “thanks, but no thanks.”? I’d never endorsed a...