The diet fads of the 70s and 80s have most of us brainwashed into thinking fat makes you fat. ?Not so. ?Some fats have amazing health benefits. ? The truth is, it’s not the fat that makes us fat. ?It’s excess insulin production. ?This is caused by...
I discovered apple cider vinegar during a 21 day cleanse. ?I’d heard about the benefits, but like most people I’d never really given it a shot. ?Now I know better. ? I think apple cider vinegar should be a staple in everyone’s home. ?But keep in...
Even though it’s early October, I’ve already had clients contact me saying they have the flu. The symptoms are headache, body ache, cough and in one case?a sore throat. The reason we get colds and flu has a lot to do with how we take care of ourselves. ?So...
Hippocrates said,??Let your food be your medicine and?your medicine be your food.? ? In Western diets, foods are broken down into proteins, calories and carbohydrates. In Chinese medicine, the focus is on vitamins, minerals and the energetic properties of the food....
I am not a fan of flu shots. ?Why? Two reasons: I’d rather use natural methods to keep myself well, and I don’t think flu shots are good for you. ? First I’ll address why I don’t like them: Injecting the flu vaccine into the blood stream...
At least 10 percent of the population has eczema. ?Often it’s inherited. ?If one parent has eczema, hay fever or asthma, there’s a 50 percent chance their child will inherit one or more of these problems. So what is eczema? It’s an atopic or allergic...