Most of the foods we eat are very acidic, and too much acid has been linked to health problems. That’s because our body actually prefers to be alkaline. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is composed mainly of acidic foods and drinks which have long lasting...
Let’s face it – our four legged friends are more like family members than pets to us. ?And when they get sick, it’s like taking care of one of our kids. ?Unfortunately, we can’t add them to the family health insurance plan.? Whenever?my pets...
My biggest challenge is finding time to do things that I like – dinner out with friends, reading a good book, puttering in my garden. ?I spend lots of time doing things that need to get done – but I don’t necessarily like all those things. And...
If?you’re afflicted with seasonal allergies, then suffer no more. ?Here are some natural things you can do to help alleviate symptoms without side effects. Homeopathic Allium Cepa – useful for allergies with symptoms of watery eyes, runny nose with...
If you’re like me, you have a to-do list that’s longer than there are hours in a day. ?The harder we try to check things off the list, the more stressed we get. ?And at the end of a long day, week, month and year – how satisfied are we that...
On Valentine’s Day our thoughts tend to focus on the affairs of the heart ~ flowers, chocolates and hopefully a romantic dinner somewhere special. But don’t forget our physical heart deserves just as much attention. ?Here are a few things you can do to...