15 Days of Clean Eating ? Day 9

Day 9 ? Sugar Nearly everyone craves sweets. But have you ever questioned why you want candy, chocolate bars, cake, or cookies? Cravings are not necessarily a bad thing. They?re a clue to something that?s going on in your body. Sugar cravings (and carb laden snacks...

15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 8

Day 8 ? Greens Greens are one of the healthiest foods we can consume, yet they are conspicuously missing from most diets. According to Joshua Rosenthal, Director of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, “Learning to cook and eat greens is essential for...

15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 7

The Importance of healthy fats The diet fads of the 70s and 80s have most of us brainwashed into thinking fat makes you fat. ?Not so. ?Some fats have amazing health benefits. The truth is, it?s not the fat that makes us fat. ?It?s excess insulin production. ?This is...

15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 6

  Preparation is key when it comes to healthy eating. And keeping it interesting helps too. There’s nothing worse than eating the same foods over and over. It’s hard to receive all the nutrients you need if you don’t change up your diet now and...

15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 5

Stabilizing blood sugar When your blood sugar is stabilized, magical things start to happen. You’ll have more energy, less cravings, your weight will stabilize, you can?say goodbye to mood swings and hello to happy hormones. Processed foods and foods made with...

15 Days of Clean Eating – Day 4

Day 4 ? Sleep Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Like most busy women (and men), you probably have a long list of things to do and not nearly enough time to do them. When bedtime finally rolls around for you, does your mind race even though you?re physically...