I Wish for You …

I Wish for You …

I Wish For You … This year, like most years I suppose, has had its ups and downs. As my husband began his recovery from two back surgeries last year (he’s the strongest person I know), my own health began to fail. Adrenal exhaustion can often go...
How To Know If You Have A Thyroid Issue

How To Know If You Have A Thyroid Issue

It’s quite natural for us all to struggle with feeling blue and losing weight or even gaining weight at times. It can also be said that many of us are so busy that it can be difficult for us to exercise or do some yoga. But if you?re struggling with any of those...
Are You Tired, or it is Just This?

Are You Tired, or it is Just This?

Being tired is something we all deal with ? a simple part of life we can?t escape. But how do you know when your tiredness is normal or something you should pay more attention to? Adrenal fatigue affects a significant number of people in various ways, and you could be...
Having A Cold Or The Flu Can Be Good For You

Having A Cold Or The Flu Can Be Good For You

Why do we make cold and flu season more complicated than it has to be? Did you know it?s better for your health to allow the cold or flu to run its course while you get plenty of physical and emotional rest? Most of us “fight” a cold or the flu.?...
The Cost of Not Feeling Your Feelings

The Cost of Not Feeling Your Feelings

When’s the last time you felt your feelings? No one wants to feel their feelings. A bold statement, I know?but true. According to Madisyn Taylor: “All too often we set our feelings aside, thinking we will deal with them later. If we don’t deal with...
Keep Calm So You Can Carry On

Keep Calm So You Can Carry On

I’ve been managing chronic anxiety for as long as I can remember. And if my Uncle Bud’s account of a trip to the city when I was a child is any indication, then it’s probably even before I can remember. As the story goes, he and my Aunt Janice took...