Last month I conducted a confidential survey using?Survey Monkey and?asked three questions: 1) What problems do you have facing your health? 2) What are your top three goals for your health? 3) What’s getting in the way of you reaching your goals? Here’s...
This is a comment I’ve been accused of on more than one occasion.? I think (here I go again) it’s because when I can come to a logical conclusion about something I’m thinking about, then I’m able to move on.? This only becomes a problem when...
Last night as I was eating yet another meal in front of the television I wondered – why am I so interested in someone else’s fabricated life?? I don’t know why it never occurred to me before.? There have been times when I thought I watch way too much...
When a client comes to me complaining of fatigue, the first thing I suggest is to wean off of artificial stimulants. Coffee, soda, sugary snacks and junk food all fit into this category. The best way to transition to healthier habits is to “crowd out” the...
If you?ve been watching the news lately, then you know the threat of radiation poisoning isn?t restricted to the geographic area of Japan.? People from all over?our?country are calling in to television programs asking for updates and advice on what to do. In the...