Save Money on Grocery Shopping

Did you know that supermarkets hire strategists to figure out how to use every square inch of a grocery store to get the most profit out of it? ?They spend tons of money on trying to figure out how we behave. ?It’s competitive intelligence of the highest...

Sugar Consumption: How Much Are You Eating?

There’s been a lot of buzz about sugar?lately. ?Especially since the expose on?60 Minutes?last Sunday. ?The news has been spreading across social media like a wildfire searching for dead wood. I know about the ills of sugar, and so do you. ?But I learned...

Food as Medicine

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food. ~ Hippocrates Hippocrates lived from 460 BC – 370 BC. He was considered the founder of Western medicine and established medicine as a legitimate profession. ?Prior to that, it was lumped in with...

Healthy, Sexy Foods

For centuries, nutrition has played a vital role in love and lovemaking. A diet based on high quality foods has a great deal to do with the quality of our sex lives.?When we’re feeling energized we’re more playful and less inhibited. Check out these energy...

Natural Remedies For Sleep

In a previous post, I mentioned the diseases that result from or are exacerbated by prolonged periods of sleep loss. ?Namely, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even death. ?Short term affects include moodiness, anxiety, increased chances of having an accident and...