You Think Too Much

This is a comment I’ve been accused of on more than one occasion.? I think (here I go again) it’s because when I can come to a logical conclusion about something I’m thinking about, then I’m able to move on.? This only becomes a problem when I’m trying to resolve a lot of things at the same time.

Which leads to stress.? Thinking about things that we can’t “fix” creates stress.? It’s an age old problem that each of us has – some more than others.? We fixate on a problem and keep it alive by constantly focusing on it.? Did you know that 60-90 percent of all health related issues, illnesses and? diseases are stress related?? Sixty to 90 percent!? That means we create our own illnesses.? Think about it.? Most of us could experience near-perfect health if we stopped stressing out.

So I’ll bet you’re wondering – what can we do to stop stressing out?? Well, I actually have an answer for you.? Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Mind/Body Institute in Chestnut Hill, MA,?has found a way to stop the mind chatter, reduce stress and reverse the aging process.? That’s right – reverse the aging process too.? Dr. Benson suggests using a daily exercise of what he calls the Relaxation Response (RR).? He’s been studying the Relaxation Response since the late 1960s.? RR is simple, doesn’t cost anything and over time increases immunity and overall wellbeing.? The idea is to sit quietly for 10 minutes every day.

Nothing worthwhile is ever completely easy so you will have to carve out 10 minutes of your time every day to experience the Relaxation Response.? Find someplace comfortable and quiet (if possible) to sit.? Close your eyes and focus on breathing in and breathing out.? When you breathe out, pick a word to say to help you stay focused.? It can be any word – peace, namaste, om, God – whatever resonates with you.? If your mind starts to wander, don’t get frustrated.? It’s natural for our minds to wander.? Just gently bring yourself back to your breath and your word.? Over time, the wandering will lessen.? Detailed instructions can be found at Dr. Benson’s web page?

Studies performed by Dr. Benson show that just 10 short minutes each day can change the way you handle stressful situations.? RR can also be used by doing yoga, tai chi, meditation as well as?many other mindfulness practices.

According to Dr. Benson,?“The relaxation response is a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress … and the opposite of the fight or flight response.??

I’ve been practicing my version of the Relaxation Response almost every day.? I use a guided meditation that I downloaded for free (yes, there’s an app for that!) called Relax?with Andrew Johnson.? You can also get a free copy from his website at

So now that you know peace of mind is only 10 minutes away any given day, are you willing to invest in your future?? I’d love to hear your feedback – feel free to leave comments or ask questions.


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