Self-care Is Not Selfish

Gay Head Beach - Infinite Health & WellnessThe things I love to do the most take time. Whether it’s planning a great vacation, reading a good book, making lunch plans with a friend, cooking homemade pasta sauce or planting my garden.? All require time.
Finding the time to do these things doesn’t come easily for me. Like most folks I work for a living, take care of a house that’s never quite clean enough, errands to run, bills to pay, laundry to do and the list goes on and on.
I can see you nodding your head in agreement.? Well, here’s something else I noticed.? When I make the time to do the things I love, I FEEL better.? Weird, right?? Feeling better when we’re happy – who would’ve thunk?
Being healthy feels good, and that takes time. Meal planning, exercising, getting to bed at a decent hour and?eating a meal without multi-tasking all take time.
There’s an alternative for not taking the time we need – it’s called stress and illness.??When our body decides its had a long enough ride on the crazy train, it pulls the cord and the whole system comes to?a screeching halt. ?It might be something small like a cold or if you’ve really overdone it, something a whole lot worse. ?I’ve been there, and I know you have too.
I’ve said it before and think it bears repeating: Self-care is not selfish. ?It’s the opposite. ?When mom’s happy, everybody’s happy. ?Right?
I’m putting a challenge out to you today.? What’s one thing you can do for the next three weeks that will make YOU?feel better?? If you’d like some support around this, respond to this post. ? Be well.


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