If you’re like me, you probably thought the reason supermarkets are cold is to keep the food fresh. ?Wrong. ?Cold triggers hunger. ?The hungrier you are, the more food you’ll buy. ?And why is produce at the beginning of the market? Because it’s tactile. We get to touch everything. ?That and the beautiful colors get you in the mood to shop. ?Ever notice milk and cereal are miles apart from each other? This is to slow you down. ?The longer you spend in the maze, the more likely you’ll buy something on impulse. ?We tend to buy things that are at eye level. ?The same goes for food that appeals to children. ?That’s why the colorful princess cereal box (probably loaded with sugar and preservatives) is at their eye level and not ours.
So what’s a shopper to do? ?Here’s a few tips to help you save big on food:
- The #1 way to cut your grocery bill is don’t waste food. Most people think food costs too much, but in reality they’re buying more than they need and wasting a lot of it. ?Instead of buying 6 apples, buy 3. ?If you run out you can always buy more. If you have fruit that’s about to spoil, cut it up and freeze it for cooking or smoothies. ?Same with vegetables.
- Don’t buy perishable food in bulk. Period. ?Most of it spoils before you get a chance to use it.
- Dress warmly. Now that we know cold triggers hunger, bring a sweater when you shop.
- Plan your meals. ?I know you’re busy. ?I’m busy too. ?But planning meals cuts costs. ?Pick a day (I do it on Sunday) and figure out 4 to 6 meals for the week.
- Cook once, eat twice. ?Make enough to have another day.
- There’s nothing wrong with eating things routinely. ?If you want to try a new recipe pick one, and use it until it becomes familiar. ?This cuts back on time spent learning to prepare it.
- Buy produce in season. ?It’s less expensive than food that comes from a distance.
For more interesting tips on food, check out Kathleen Flinn’s book?The Kitchen Counter Cooking School. ?Bon Appetit!