There’s a war going on out there, and you may not even know about it. ?Yet.
It involves underhanded tactics and sneak attacks like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability (and dare I say it – sometimes a down right nasty attitude), food cravings, depression, nervousness, leg cramps, insomnia and the list goes on and on. ?Most times there’s no warning when these symptoms arise – hence the sneak attack.
If you’re a man and you’re reading this, don’t click away to another page. ?This applies to you too because chances are you’re in a relationship with a woman. ?You probably have a mom, sister, aunt, spouse, girlfriend or daughter who sooner or later will enter into this phase of her life. ?When it comes to tactical support, intel is your best friend. ?So here’s the low down.
Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 42 and 52. ?Biologically speaking, estrogen produced by the ovaries decreases and the adrenals take over and begin producing estrogen and androgen. ?If a woman is healthy, it’s usually a smooth, easy process. ?But with today’s frenetic lifestyle, that’s becoming more and more rare.
In the past, estrogen therapy was used to combat the symptoms. ?Due to the controversial side effects (increases in gall bladder disease and cancers of the breast, uterus and liver), it’s been mostly discontinued. ?Another reason to avoid this therapy (if cancer isn’t enough to scare you off) is that it discourages the adrenals from producing estrogen naturally.
When I was a kid, I often heard the phrases “my adrenals are shot” or “my nerves are shot.” ?My elders were referring to a condition that happens when we’re stress overloaded. ?By now you’re probably realizing just how important adrenal function is in our overall state of well being.
If you’re peri menopausal or menopausal, a few things you can do to regain a natural balance in your body are:
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, excessive or poor quality meat (natural, hormone and antibiotic free is best).
- Add black beans, string beans, seaweed, spirulina, millet, kidney beans and tofu into your diet.
- Supplement with Vitamins E (300 IU three times a day with meals helps eliminate hot flashes), B Complex, C and A.
- Exercise regularly for 20 to 30 minutes a day, get eight hours of sleep, eat a whole foods based diet and trying to have a relaxed, un-stressful life will go a long way in eliminating symptoms.
Be well.