Find the Fountain of Youth in 10 Minutes

When I first heard about meditation the first thing I thought was, “sounds nice, but not for me.” ?The idea of quieting my mind seemed unlikely.

Until I saw Dr. Herbert Benson?speak on the relaxation response. ?He’s been studying meditation and how it positively impacts our health for decades.

You know how you usually retain one or two things when you attend a lecture? Well for me it was when Dr. Benson said meditating for 10 minutes a day reverses the aging process – the proverbial fountain of youth. ?That’s got my full attention. ?Sign me up!

Want to learn how? ?Here’s the cliff notes:

  • Sit or lie comfortably
  • Breathe in and say the word one to yourself (or any word that resonates with you)
  • Breathe out and say the word two to yourself
  • If random thoughts come into your head, acknowledge them and then return to your breathing
  • Don’t get frustrated

All you need is 10 minutes. ?Over time, the random thoughts will stop and you’ll reach a meditative state. ?And the best part is you’ll think more clearly, have more energy, reduce stress and be happier overall. ?Plus reverse the aging process. ?Pretty good for 10 minutes right? ?Try it for 21 days and see for yourself. ?Be well.


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