Essential oils are aromatic compounds that are extracted from the flowers, seeds, roots, or leaves of various plants. Each essential oil has its unique smell, properties, and qualities; these oils can be diffused into the air, applied topically and some are ingestible. Be sure the oils you’re using are certified pure therapeutic grade if you’re going to ingest them. There are many uses for essential oils. Here are 12 easy ways to get started:
1. Stress relief
Essential oils like frankincense and lavender can help with stress management. Lavender essential oil promotes relaxation and helps balance your stress levels. Frankincense essential oil can help deter feelings of depression. Lemon essential oil can also help boost your mood. Most citrus essential oils are mood elevators so if you’re feeling blue, diffuse lemon, wild orange, grapefruit or lime.
2. Increased energy and stamina
Essential oils like lavender, lemon, and frankincense can help boost your stamina and provide a burst of energy.
3. Healthy skin
Problematic skin can often be treated with the help of essential oils applied topically. Lavender essential oil can be used to clean and soothe shallow cuts, irritated skin, redness, bug bites and bruises. Lemon essential oil contains 68% of d-limonene, a common antioxidant that promotes healthy skin by reducing inflammation. Tea tree oil can also be used to treat common cuts, skin irritations, and stubborn acne scars. Mix the essential oil with a carrier oil (coconut, olive, flaxseed, etc.) before applying to your skin.
4. Improved nervous system
Diffusing lemon essential oil can help improve your nervous system and alertness.
5. Digestion and weight loss support
Lemon and peppermint essential oils are often recommended to improve digestion. Peppermint essential oil can also be an effective appetite suppressant, aiding in weight loss. You can add a few drops of either to water, diffuse into the air or apply topically.
6. Respiratory system support
Diffuse peppermint and frankincense essential oils to help support your respiratory system. You can also put one to two drops of peppermint essential oil into your palm, rub your palms together, cup your hands together and then inhale deeply. Be mindful not to get oils in your eyes. If you do, dilute with oil, not water as oil and water don’t mix.
7. Immune system support
Diffusing or cleaning with tea tree and On Guard (a proprietary doTERRA blend) essential oils can help support your immune system and stave off colds, flu, and other illnesses. On Guard also comes in beadlets which you can dissolve under your tongue for a big immune boost. It’s great if you’re around anyone who’s sick or before flying. It also comes in an antiseptic spray which is more powerful than alcohol based hand sanitizers and doesn’t dry out your skin.
8. Oral health
On Guard essential oil is used in many organic kinds of toothpaste because it supports oral health. doTERRA has also created an On Guard toothpaste.
9. Air purification
Tea tree oil, Purify (essential oil blend) and On Guard essential oils are great for cleansing and purifying the air in your home. They can also be used as all-natural, all-purpose home cleaners. I really love using Purify when I’m doing laundry. Add a few drops to your washer for a clean, fresh, natural scent.
10. ?Healthy lips
Another great use for lavender essential oil is its ability to soothe and moisturize dry, chapped, or cracked lips.
11.? Dandruff-free hair
Apply lavender essential oil?either directly or diluted with a carrier oil?to relieve stubborn dandruff. Tea tree oil is great too. You can also add 10-20 drops of either or both to your shampoo.
12.? Mosquito repellant
You can make your own mosquito repellent by mixing citronella, lemongrass, coconut, and eucalyptus oils. You can also use peppermint and geranium. Apply topically or diffuse in the surrounding area. We diffuse peppermint during summer cookouts and the flies just disappear!
Check out my essential oils webinars:
Click here for Essential Oils and Weight Loss?
Click here for How to Have a Healthy Home Using Essential Oils

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Kat Ogar
Health Coach
Kat Ogar has been a wellness practitioner for over a decade. She’s passionate about helping others find natural solutions for their health challenges.
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