Be Productive Without Brownout

Like most people, I have a tendency to burn the candle at both ends. ?I like keeping busy. ?But over time that can lead to burnout.When I’m on vacation sometimes it takes me half the week before I start to slow down. ?By the time I’ve reached a state of total relaxation, the week is nearly over. ?Ever wonder why we get into these states?As a culture, Americans value productivity. ?Work environments foster this mindset so it’s tough to think about slowing down when everything we’re faced with on a regular day is based on speeding up.What I’ve learned along the way is that it’s in the slowing down that true productivity happens. ?Taking one task at a time and doing it well is far more productive than trying to do a multitude of things at the same time. ?So how do I slow down?

  • Guided meditation is one of my favorite ways to slow things down. ?I haven’t mastered the ability to sit still and quiet my mind on my own – yet. ?I find it much easier to listen as someone else guides me and helps me shut down the “monkey mind.” If you own a smart phone, there’s a free app by Andrew Johnson called Relax. ?It’s my favorite. ?You can also download it for?free?to your computer or MP3 player.
  • Weeding my garden. ?I know this one’s probably hard to believe, but it’s true. ?When I’m out digging in the dirt clearing a space from an overgrowth of weeds, I feel so much better. ?I don’t know if it’s being in nature or because I can see the results of my efforts immediately that makes me feel better. ?Either way, I love puttering out in the yard. ?It soothes the soul and gets me out of my ?head.
  • Getting eight hours of sleep is pretty high on my list when it comes to stress management. ?Sleep is key when it comes to being productive during waking hours. The best hours according to Traditional Chinese Medicine are between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM.
  • Positive self talk is one of the most important yet most challenging ways to decompress. ?If I start hearing the voice in my head saying things like, “you could have got more done,” or “you should have …” then I focus on things that I have accomplished rather than the tasks I haven’t. ?It’s easy to beat ourselves up over every little thing, but it’s not productive. ?So the next time you hear your little voice reprimanding you, shift your thoughts to something more positive.

I’d love to hear what you’re doing to slow things down. ?Feel free to share your thoughts. ?I know I could always use a few more tools in my toolbox!


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