Are you the driver or the passenger?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like my week passes by in a blur of activity. Each day is filled from beginning to end with things to do. When the weekend magically appears, instead of relaxing, I find myself continuing the chaotic pace with stuff to do around the house.

We’re all moving at a dangerously fast pace with no relief in sight.

There are times when I enjoy a fast pace. It makes me feel good to get things done and check items off my list. But after a while, I feel more exhausted than accomplished. Half the time I can’t even remember anything significant that would separate one day from the next. And I know I’m not alone in this race to nowhere because women tell me all the time their own versions of life in the fast lane.

This way of living puts us in the passenger seat of life.

We’re constantly on the go, with no time for reflection or spontaneity. When there’s no time to slow down, life has a way of careening down the highway with no chance to stop and see the sights. This can lead to anger, resentment, and regret.

Wouldn’t you rather be driving?

If this sounds like your life, what are you going to do about it? How can you make time to see if there’s something else you’d rather be doing? Or not doing. With time to think, you might just discover that what you have is exactly what you want. Maybe just at a slower pace with a few more pit stops.

Taking time to see the big picture and asking yourself if you’re happy with the road you’re on can make a huge difference in life satisfaction. This happens when you stop the car long enough to get out, look around and see if you’re heading in the right direction.

That can only happen if you’re the one driving the car.

Making changes to your life can be challenging, but it puts you back in the driver’s seat. And if you’ve ever been a passenger while someone is driving faster than you’d like, you know how much better it feels to be the one behind the wheel controlling the speed and the destination.

One way I’ve found helpful for slowing down and taking in the sights around me is journaling. It has many therapeutic benefits like improving mental health, reducing anxiety and depression, improves memory, and makes you feel happier.

You can start with something simple like answering a few questions. Here are a few to get you started:

  • What cues in your body and mind let you know it’s time to slow down?
  • What are your favorite ways to slow down and take a break?
  • On a busy day, in what ways can you add more moments to slow down and pause? What does this look like for you?

If you’re too busy to grab a sheet of paper and answer these simple questions, then you’re most likely still stuck in the passenger’s seat. Imagine what could happen if you decided to slide behind the wheel and leisurely drive off into the sunset. Why not pick up a pen and paper and find out?

Bon voyage,


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