A Call To Action

Kat Ogar - Infinite Health & Wellness - YourInfiniteWellness.comI’m participating in an accountability group and one of my assignments was to post my “WHY.” ?This is my personal reason for why I decided to do something. ?In this case it’s my reason becoming a Beachbody coach, but you can ask yourself the same question for anything you endeavor to do in your life that you hope will help you find purpose.

I originally thought my “WHY” was because I’d had a transformation when I started drinking Shakeology: no more sugar cravings and a lot more energy. ?On the surface, that’s still true. ?Shakeology has not only helped me stop a lifelong bad habit, I’ve seen it help a lot of other people too. ?Some have lost weight, reversed Type II diabetes, gave up coffee, eat better, started ?exercising and lots more.

But when I started typing my “WHY” on the accountability page, it was like my fingers took on a life of their own and my story started pouring out. ?When I dug a little deeper, part ?of my reason for wanting to be part of this welcoming and supportive community was because I don’t like working hard towards something and then having someone take it ?away from me.

I worked in a corporate job for 18 years. ?Climbed the ladder from secretary to operations manager. ?I never took sick days, was a member of the employee activities committee and the community service committee. My reviews were always glowing and my raises reflected my efforts. ?I worked whatever hours I was asked. ?There were five straight years when I worked 80 or more hours a week for months on end and had to juggle my daughter from one relative to another missing major milestones in her life. ?All for a career I thought I’d have forever.

And at the end of 18 years, I was let go. ?Just like that. ?My salary, benefits and everything I’d worked for was gone. ?I’d like to say that was the only time this had happened to me, but it wasn’t. ?I joined another company and the same thing happened – again. ?It’s nothing personal. ?I know that. ?But it sure feels personal when you give everything you’ve got, even sacrificed precious time with your family, and get kicked to the curb.

My “WHY” is personal. ?I joined Beachbody because the compensation is directly related to the effort I put forth. ?Where I can rise to the top and the only thing standing in my way is me. ?Where no one can take away what I worked for because I own it. ?That’s the business model of Multi Level Marketing. ?You can never get fired unless you fire yourself.

The other part I love about Beachbody is their mission statement which resonates with me – “end the trend of obesity.” ?I like a company that puts their money where their mouth is like the 30 day refund on everything they sell and provide an accountability coach to every person who either buys something or signs up for a free player membership. ?Being part of something that is causing a ripple effect in the wellness field is a really good feeling.

I know what you’re thinking. ?I have a background in the health and wellness field so it’s easy for me. ?Not really. ?There are thousands of people who aren’t trained in wellness who are way more successful than I am in this business. ?Lawyers, dentists, secretaries, people who are unemployed, laborers, stay at home mom’s, people who filed for bankruptcy, people living out of their car – believe me, I can’t make this stuff up. ?There are tons of testimonials out there supporting these stories.

So if you see me inviting people on social media to join the revolution?to change their health and possibly even explore the opportunity to fulfill their own dreams – now you know WHY.

Be well.

1 Comment

  1. Carolyn

    Great post, Kat. And I understand the feeling, having also had the rug pulled out from under me. Independence is important – and refreshing.

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