I’m dedicating the next few blogs to the cold and flu season. It’s at the top of my list because I’m just getting over my first winter cold. If you can call this beautiful weather we’re having in Boston winter : )
Let’s start with the common cold. We’ve all had one and suffered through it. Most of us with mimimal or no medication because we know “this too shall pass.”
The first thing I reach for when I start getting sick and use throughout the duration is Vitamin C. I prefer Vitamin C crystals. They seem to be more effective to me than pill form. I take 2,000 mgs two to three times a day. Be aware though, that taking too much Vitamin C can cause loose stools or diarrhea. If this happens, take less frequently or lower the amount of milligrams you ingest.
Vitamin C is best know for boosting immunity, but it’s also good for:
promotes healing of all body cells
builds collagen
helps prevent cancer and heart disease
supports the good bacteria in your gut
kills candida (yeast overgrowth), bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites
prevents hardening of the arteries
neutralizes harmful environmental and bacterial toxins
protects us from pollution and pesticides
destroys free radicals
combats stress
acts as an antidepressant
removes heavy metals like mercury and lead
lowers high cholesterol
To your health!