What you may not know is not all chocolate is created equal. ?I’m not just talking about dark chocolate versus milk chocolate. ?It’s more complicated than that.
There are lots of “dark chocolate” products on the market that aren’t healthy at all. ?These companies prey on consumers. ?Since dark chocolate (real dark chocolate) is full of health promoting benefits, companies that make inferior bars are counting on consumers to just take their word for it that their brand is healthy. ?When in fact it’s just a slightly better version of the low grade chocolate filling the shelves at the supermarket checkout counter.
The other side of the coin is the addiction factor. ?Most people who like chocolate are also addicted to it. ?The addiction comes from the white sugar used in making the chocolate. ?High quality chocolate doesn’t use white sugar. ?At all.
The best way to know if your chocolate is worth the money you’re spending on it is to check the cacao content. ?Makers of healthy chocolate bars boldly print it on their label and in the ingredients list. ?A good place to start is about 74%. ?Then you can work your way up as you acquire a taste for the less sweet, slightly bitter flavor. ?My favorite is 88%.
A few facts about the health promoting benefits of good, quality chocolate: ?Raw cacao is one of the highest anti-oxidant foods in the world. ?It contains tryptamine serotonin which is the primary neurotransmitter in the human body responsible for building our stress-defense system. Cacao also contains significant amounts of the essential amino acid tryptophan, a powerful mood-boosting nutrient.
So if you want to indulge in a sweet morsel of chocolatey goodness, buy from a reputable distributor of real chocolate. ?Local health food stores are a great place to shop because they have a wide variety to choose from and knowledgeable sales people. ?Go ahead, treat yourself! ?Click here for a healthy chocolate frappe recipe.