Food is Medicine: Healthy Fats

The diet fads of the 70s and 80s have most of us brainwashed into thinking fat makes you fat. ?Not so. ?Some fats have amazing health benefits. ?

The truth is, it’s not the fat that makes us fat. ?It’s excess insulin production. ?This is caused by overconsumption of sugar. ?And I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not, but so called “fat free” foods are usually higher in sugar than their counterparts. ?This leads to more insulin production and over time more fat added to our frames.

Here’s a few fats to add to your diet:

  • fish and fish oils
  • olive oil (preferably organic first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil)
  • avocados
  • organic unrefined extra virgin coconut oil (good for cooking at medium-high temps or added to smoothies)
  • nuts and seeds

Healthy fats are a critical part of our meal plan and probably missing from most people’s daily diet. ?Not only does it taste good, it releases a hormone (CCK) which signals our body that it’s full. ?That stops us from eating more than we need. ?It also provides long term energy so we can go about our busy day without grazing every few hours. ?So there you have it ~ eat healthy fat and stay fit!


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