Local Spa Has Holistic Approach to Skincare

Studio 123 - YourInfiniteWellness.comWe’ve all heard the phrase, “putting your best face forward.” ?Well I found out that’s exactly what happens when you schedule a facial at Studio 123 in Norwell, MA. ?Our faces are the first thing everyone sees. ?Judgements are made in split seconds when someone first sees us. ?So if your face is less than lustrous, I encourage you to read on.

I made an appointment with Ewa (sounds like Ava) Deveney last week and was happily surprised at how precise she was every step of the way. ?She told me what she was doing, the products she was using and why. ?Her voice was soft ?and?soothing?as she explained the process.

She told me she looks at each client with an individual perspective and then tailors the facial specifically for them. ?When she waxes the eyebrows, she’s not just removing unwanted hair. ?She sculpts the brows to compliment the face. ?That’s exactly what holistic practitioners do. ?They assess the individual and create a program designed exclusively to meet their needs.

And I’d be remiss if I left out the facial massage. ?I’ll be the first to admit I have a hard time relaxing – especially in the middle of the day. ?With Ewa’s expert touch, I was floating away within minutes. ?I was in that dreamlike state between sleep and consciousness. ?I’m not sure how long it lasted, but it seemed like forever. ?I was totally refreshed by the time she finished.

If your face could use a little lift, a well deserved trip to Studio 123 is in order. ?And if you’re not local, look for spas with a European influence like Studio 123. ?Remember, facials are a necessity not a luxury. ?Good for your skin


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