When the salad came, it was appetizer size. ?The waitress said that’s the only way it was prepared. ?I could have sworn they had an entree size, but by then the menus were gone so I didn’t bother checking. ?I was annoyed, and it brought up some emotional eating issues. ?Especially since everyone else was eating pizza, mac & cheese, hamburgers, french fries and turkey clubs. ?Oh, and did I mention a brownie sundae for dessert?
It’s not unusual for emotions to detox while doing a cleanse. ?We’re so attached to our day to day habits and comfort foods that when we’re denied them it’s like breaking up with your boyfriend before prom. ?Fortunately I didn’t suffer a major meltdown. ?I went home, found something on the list to eat and finished my lunch.
Note to self: no dining out in the middle of a cleanse!