I’m?so excited that you’ve decided to take?such a huge step towards your health and wellness. How many times have you wanted to change your eating habits but felt overwhelmed by all the information on the internet, TV shows, and the millions of books on the market? My goal is to?take you from confusion to confidence. I’ve?worked with so many amazing?people who felt the same way. Don’t worry,?you’re not alone.
I know it seems hard to believe, but?over the next 15 days your body will transform. I’ll show you how simple it is to make healthy eating choices despite your busy life. Before we go any further, I?want you to know that this experience will be free from?deprivation or starvation. Instead, you will consume foods that will help naturally rebalance your hormones, decrease inflammation, improve digestion, and make you feel stronger.
The first place to?start is?clearing your cabinets of any processed foods. Eliminating dairy, coffee, soda, sugar, anything made with white flour and processed foods will help you make the most of this experience.. If you drink coffee, wean yourself off and drink lots of water to avoid the dreaded headache. Substitute green tea to assist with the transition or Teechino. For bread lovers, try Ezekiel brand (found in your freezer section). Almond, rice or hemp milk can be substituted for cow’s milk.
Meals should consist of whole fruits and vegetables, protein, water and healthy fats (more on this in a future post).
I’m so excited that you’re doing something for yourself! Please post any questions or comments you may have here.