Top Tips for Natural Flu Prevention

There’s always so much hype around flu shots. ?Quite honestly, you’re more likely to get the flu if you’re worrying about it than if you just go about your day to day business. ?Why? ?Because stressing and worrying about things you have no control over lower your immune system and make it susceptible to illness.

My advice? ?Skip the flu shot and stock your cabinets with these immune boosters provided by Mother Nature.

  • Raw apple cider vinegar. ?One to two?tablespoons in water every day will keep the doctor away. ?Apple cider vinegar creates an alkaline environment in the body and disease can’t live in an alkaline state.
  • Vitamin C. ?At the?first sign of feeling run down, take 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C. ?Continue until you’re feeling better.
  • Ginger tea. ?Slice raw ginger and steep in hot water. ?Add fresh squeezed lemon and a teaspoon of raw honey. ?Ginger has powerful immune boosting agents.
  • Juice. ?If you own a juicer, grind up whatever is sitting in your vegetable bin. ?One of my favorite concoctions is a green apple, small beet, celery, chunk of fresh ginger, and a cucumber. ?Any mix will do. ?The fresh, readily available nutrients from the juice will absorb quickly into your body and boost immunity.
  • Sleep. ?Last but most definitely not least. ?Sleep is the most important tool in your arsenal of immune boosting agents. ?And it’s free! ?Getting enough rest regenerates and rejuvenates your body. ?So get some zzzz’s!

Next time your at the grocery store, be sure to stock up on some – or all – of these natural flu remedies. ?Be well.


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